Dear readers,
After presenting our comments on the basic universal situation, in Washington and recently in Miami at the Festival of the world, it appeared to all of us, dolls, and this after some thougt, to consider as an emergency, the need to engage some Processes that will allow us to find some solutions so that we can get out of our condition and to get out of the box.
Racism as it is propagated manifests itself in the world at any time, and we suffer as being the main targets due to our skin colour, the effects and most of the time without even realizing it in a direct or indirect way, or one of its most devastating effects is hostility in all its possible and unimaginable forms causing mistreatment, getting people abused.
Also in order to protect ourselves, to reduce its effects until it is extinguished, we have decided (you already know since you follow us), to devote our time and energy to make it disappear, that being a priority due to the seriousness of the situation.
For this a certain number of principles requirements, to solve this problem seems necessary to implement practically on a daily basis, whatever the context and/or area of activity, in our relationship and be enshrined, for the production of JUSTICE which is the antidote to racism that nurrishes and encourages non-justice.
JUSTICE = Balance between people
JUSTICE = Guaranteing that no person is mistreated
JUSTICE = Guaranteing that the person who needs help the most gets the most cosntructive help
Among these actions one is as follows :
That is for today, we also inform you that a number of books, films and other information materials to help understand what is and how this problem works in order to improve our understanding, will be provided on this site. A serious problem must be addressed in a serious and logical way.
By doing this you work right there directly against racism.
Vérité + Justice + Harmonie = PAIX